Invisalign has provided a solution to some problems that exist with traditional methods of orthodontic treatment. It is an alternative to traditional ways of intervention in orthodontics . One way that Invisalign has addressed the problem is by providing greater convenience for patients and providers. With Invisalign, rather than spacing out appointments, there is set appointment every month and then no more visits. The system also provides a solution to other problems that are typically faced by patients in braces such as pain and discomfort caused by removable appliances during their treatment in braces. Invisalign is an alternative treatment for straightening teeth that uses a series of clear, removable aligners. The aligners contain no metal and are barely noticeable; most people forget that they’re wearing them because their only job is to gently shift the teeth into place. Invisalign’s straightforward approach makes it an ideal option for those who need orthodontic treatment...