However, some dental health issues have put amalgam fillings in the limelight. Why are there doubts regarding amalgam fillings? Mainly, due to their mercury content.
Critics believe that dental fillings made out of mercury can cause neurological problems in young children and fetuses. The concern focuses on the negative health effects of allergy or toxicity that may be linked to mercury exposure, especially as a possible cause of autoimmune disorders, chronic illnesses, birth defects, neurodegenerative diseases, mental disorders and oral lesions. Several dental organizations have also reclassified dental mercury to a class II device that requires special considerations and the need to warn patients of the possible risks involved.
However, in the overall scheme, even though there are still many concerns about the safety of amalgam fillings, most experts consider it safe.
Substitutes to Amalgam Fillings:
If you still feel unsafe about having mercury inside your mouth, there are many substitutes that can serve as alternatives to these fillings. In fact, the newer forms of fillings now make up the 70 percent of the fillings that are utilized today.
The new composite resin materials make a viable option. A lot of dentists Brampton only use fillings of this kind. Moreover, because composites have a color similar to the natural tooth color, they are a more aesthetic alternative in comparison to silver-colored composites. One can also go for glass ionomer cement fillings. These fillings contain organic acids, such as zinc oxide, eugenol, and acrylic resins. Also similar to composite fillings, glass ionomer are tooth-colored. The properties and composition of glass ionomer are best matched for smaller restorations. Unlike composite resins, glass ionomer are self-curing and normally do not require a “blue light” to harden.
In case, you have an amalgam filling and are feeling concerned about its adverse impact on your health, book an appointment with your dentist and talk to him about your concerns. The expert can change your filling to composite resin or glass ionomer cement. They can help you choose the best option for you depending on your needs and budget.
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