One of the most popular aesthetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening. This is because it's a simple process most Brampton dental clinics offer. It is also a very reasonable way to brighten your smile.
Reasons behind teeth discoloration.
With age, the color of our teeth starts to darken and may start appearing stained or yellow. There are a number of reasons this happens. Common problems affecting the teeth and creating darkening or discoloration include.
1. Age: age is a big factor that can lead to darkening of the teeth. As you age the primary layer of the enamel gets slimmer making the yellowish dentin layer come out.
2. Certain drinks: drinking dark beverages coffee tea and wine or many other beverages people enjoy that can cause teeth staining.
3. Food: some kinds of food can cause surface discoloration. Foods that can do this include dark veggies such as beets, fruits with a lot of pigment like berry's colorful spices like curry or turmeric as well as brightly colored candies.
4. Tobacco: the nicotine and tar in cigarettes can be really bad for your teeth. Tar has a natural black color that leads to staining. Nicotine when it mixes with oxygen becomes really dark in color and can stain your teeth.
5. Intrinsic stains: these stains happen when darkening happens deeper in your teeth structure. Some common reasons of intrinsic stains are, trauma inside the mouth, too much fluoride, medication, and the like.
Teeth whitening: the many choices.
If you suffer from discolored teeth and are looking for a way to whiten them there are a number of options. These options fall into 2 broad categories- teeth whitening performed in-office and D. I. Y. or home teeth whitening. Almost all dental experts offering aesthetic dentistry treatment offer some kind of in office teeth whitening procedure. The cost of this whiting procedure varies depending on the specific procedure you choose and where in the country you live. You can figure on the cost averaging around $500.
Professional teeth whitening involves smearing a sturdy bleaching agent over the teeth. The bleach is much stronger than what you'll find in a D. I. Y. product. Moreover, when you have an experienced professional perform the procedure for you, they can protect the enamel, gums, etcetera from the bleaching substance. The dental experts are also highly qualified to take care of any unexpected problems that may come up. Whitening performed in a dental office typically takes between one to three hours and is accomplished in one visit. It is good to get in touch with a good dentist in Brampton for the procedure.
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